As my brother, and I, prepared to watch the new X-Men trailer 3 months ago, I audibly heard God tell me, "They're going to blaspheme me in this movie." I did not tell my brother what God had told me, but kept it to myself as we started the X-Men trailer. And as the blasphemous references began to occur, I yelled out, "I KNEW IT", while my brother was appalled, altogether. After watching the trailer, I shared with my brother what God told me concerning this film and informed him that I will not be watching the new X-Men. In this trailer, Apocalypse (who's aliases are: High Lord, Son of the Morning Fire, The First One) says he has been called many names throughout history; one of them being YHWH (pronounced 'Yahweh'). YHWH translated in English means "LORD" and, strictly speaking, is the only proper name for God. Exodus 20:7 says, "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain." God’s nature and attributes, the totality of His being, and especially His glory are reflected in His name (Psalm 8:1, Psalm 111:9), therefore, we are not to treat God’s name lightly. Also made known in this trailer and the comics, the character Apocalypse travels with a band of four followers called the Horsemen. In the Bible, the four horsemen of the Apocalypse are described in Revelation chapter 6, verses 1-8. The four horsemen are symbolic descriptions of different events which will take place in the end times of the world. In this X-Men trailer, the character Alex (Havok) makes mention of the Four Horsemen being taken from the Bible, but Moira MacTaggert replies, "Or the Bible got it from him [Apocalypse]." Not only does this film blaspheme the name of the LORD, but they're stating that its immortal character, Apocalypse, takes preeminence over God [God took His ideas from Apocalypse!]. I understand Marvel's attempt to create an all-powerful super-villain in their fictional film, but to demean and depreciate sacred and holy things in the process is uncalled for. I am stunned that Marvel's writers, and actors, would stoop so low; all in the name of making a "Blockbuster hit" and racking in a few dollars. (Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 shekels of silver. What are we betraying our Lord and Savior for?) I've been a Marvel fan since before I learned to read and write, but an apparent line has been 'drawn in the sand' and I refuse to tolerate anyone or anything that blatantly disrespects what I believe to be sacred. So, no, I will not be watching this film. In 2 Timothy 4:5, The Apostle Paul told Timothy to "do the work of an evangelist." Evangelism is crucial to the Christian faith, our local church and, most importantly, to the kingdom of heaven; which is why I enjoyed reading Rose Publishing's 24 Ways to Explain the Gospel. This pamphlet serves as a great reference guide when preparing to engage in ministry and evangelism. What I most enjoyed about 24 Ways to Explain the Gospel is its complete biblical approach. As we share the Gospel message with friends, family, co-workers and potential converts, it is extremely important that we remain faithful to the foundation of the Christian faith; which is the Word of God. So I highly recommend this product for outreach groups as well as individual study. |
About MeAs a writer, my objective is to provoke thought. As a minister, my objective is to encourage you to Christ. As a disciple, my objective is to do these things in love. Archives
July 2017