Every morning I'm walking somewhere, I make sure I say "Good morning" to everyone I pass by.... but only 5 out of 20 people say "Good morning" back to me (on a good day) .... Most people act like they didn't hear me, some people keep their head straight as if they didn't see me at all, some pretend to be busy on their phone.. Some people even give me this crazy look that says, "WHAT IS A 'GOOD MORNING'? Pshh"
But then there's people like Jose, a homeless hispanic man who the world would refer to as a panhandler - or to be blunt, a "bum".... I would greet him everyday for about 2 months, not saying anything more than "Good morning", or giving him a quick wave as I walk by.... Then one day, he asked me "You go to church?" .... He doesn't speak much English, so that was his way of asking, "Are you a Christian?" .... Note: I never told him I was a Christian... I wasn't carrying around a Bible... It wasn't because I handed him any Christian literature... But he recognized that there was a DIFFERENCE in how I treated him, in contrast to how he is treated on the regular ....... Matthew 7:16 says "You will recognize them by their fruits." .... As Christians, we have (or SHOULD have) a certain glow about us.. James 3:17 states that the wisdom God gives, makes us 'easy to be intreated' - meaning kind and welcoming, approachable people. So I told him "Yeah, I go to church" .... He said "That's good. God bless you", then we both went our way. From that point on, our morning greetings would evolve to "Good morning. God bless you"... and this went on for about 2 months.... Then one day I seen Jose, he looked happy to see me, like he had been looking for me... He said to me "Pierre! I'm like you now brother." ... I said "Huh?" .. He said "I went in the water".... Again, he doesn't speak much English, plus he had an accent so I couldn't grasp what he was saying to me.... He said "I say to God, 'forgive me'. Then I went in the water" .... I said "OHHH, you got baptized???" .... He said "YES"... Then instantly my heart was filled with joy.. I got all teary-eyed on the sidewalk lol.... All I could say was "WOW! Look at God" .... A Soul was won to God from a simple "Good morning"! Jesus challenged us in Matthew 5:47. He said "And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same?" .... If we only greet our 'favorite' people, how can we express the love of God to those people who are forgotten and mistreated DAILY? ... God wants us to show love towards the homeless, drug addicts, prostitutes, etc. because they are His children TOO! .... So let's let our light shine before others, so that they may see our good works and glorify our Father who is in Heaven (Matthew 5:16).... Amen? God bless. Comments are closed.
About MeAs a writer, my objective is to provoke thought. As a minister, my objective is to encourage you to Christ. As a disciple, my objective is to do these things in love. Archives
July 2017